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Hydro Peel + iontophoresis
Non-irritating Hydro Peel System
with exclusive solutions and 3-EX therapy
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AquaZyme is rejuvenating, simultaneous cleansing, exfoliating, hydrating and extraction treatment system that results in smoother, luminous and younger looking skin. These machines exfoliate dead skin cells and extract impurities while simultaneously treating the healthy underlying skin with cleansing, hydrating and moisturizing solutions. It has 3 kind of  exclusive liquid solutions T1, T2 and E3 according to skin type and purpose of treatment.

While daily regular skin care is very important your facial skin needs a tune-up regularly. Hydro peel treatment is needed for every season to maintain the results of skin care, laser treatments or previous skin rejuvenation treatments like anti-aging injection or mesotherapy. It can also improve acne-prone skin and uneven skin tone especially if you have sensitive skin. 

A newer and non-irritating method that combined mechanical peel and chemical peel. Hydro peel deeply cleanses, exfoliates and stimulates the skin through exclusive solutions containing mild acid, suction and exfoliating tip.

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Hydro Peel Equipment
Dual iontophoresis therapy
3 Exclusive solutions
Lightweight and easy to move

Mechanism of Hydro Peel system


Exclusive liquid solutions containing mild acid are spouted from solution outlet on the tip. That solutions melt and hydrate skin impurities such as sebum, dead skin cells, black head and even demodex in deep dermis. The unique spiral tip stimulates and peels the surface of skin slightly. While this mechanism works on, suction works together. That solution and impurities flows out through waste inlet on the tip.


Exclusive Solutions

T1 for skin cleanse and soft exfoliation

AHA / Water-soluable serum / Dry & combination skin type

T2 for skin cleanse and soft exfoliation

BHA / Fat-soluable serum / Oily skin & acne-prone skin type

E3 for skin essence and conditioning

After hydro peel treatment with T1 or T2, applying E3 for moisturizing, nourishing and skin conditioning


Treatment Procedure with 3-EX Therapy

1st : Exfoliation with AHA/BHA and tip

Mild acid ingredients in T1 or T2 solutions and fraction of unique spiral tip exfoliate a surface of skin. Impurities and dead skin cells are dislodged and uncover a new layer of skin.

2nd : Extraction & Extermination

Removes sebum, blackhead, whitehead and debris in pores with suction, and even demodex that causes skin trouble is extracted and exterminated.

3rd : Nourishing & Skin conditioning

Nourish and saturate the surface of skin with intensive moisturizing and skin protective ingredients in E3 solution.


Healthy Skin


Acne control


Deep cleansing



Skin tone & texture


Glow skin

Fine lines





Dead skin cells




Before and After
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